10 Hidden Features of Laravel You Never Knew Existed

Learn about 10 hidden features of Laravel that can help you build better and more efficient applications. Explore collections, Eloquent ORM, Blade templating engine, middleware, and more!

Laravel Schema 1 year ago · 3 min read
10 Hidden Features of Laravel You Never Knew Existed

Laravel is a popular PHP web framework used by developers worldwide. It is known for its clean and elegant syntax, as well as its rich set of features that make development quicker and more efficient. However, Laravel has many hidden features that are often overlooked. In this article, we will explore 10 hidden features of Laravel you never knew existed.


Laravel has a powerful collections feature that allows developers to work with arrays of data as objects. This feature provides a wide range of methods that simplify working with collections. For instance, you can use the filter method to filter an array based on a callback function.

Route Caching

Laravel's route caching feature speeds up the performance of your application by caching all of your application's routes. This feature is especially useful for large applications with many routes.

Task Scheduling

Laravel's task scheduling feature enables developers to schedule repetitive tasks to run at specific times or intervals. This feature is useful for tasks such as database cleanup or sending daily emails.

Eloquent ORM

Laravel's Eloquent ORM provides a simple and elegant way of working with databases. It allows developers to define relationships between database tables and easily perform CRUD operations.

Blade Templating Engine

Laravel's Blade templating engine simplifies the process of building user interfaces. It allows developers to create reusable templates and includes components such as loops and conditionals.


Laravel's middleware feature provides a way to filter HTTP requests entering your application. Middleware can be used to perform tasks such as authentication or logging.

Events and Listeners

Laravel's events and listeners feature allows developers to define custom events and listeners. This feature enables developers to build more modular and reusable code.

Artisan CLI

Laravel's Artisan CLI provides a command-line interface for developers to perform common tasks such as database migrations and seeders. It also allows developers to create their own custom commands.


Laravel's queues feature provides a way to defer time-consuming tasks such as sending emails or processing images. This feature improves the performance of your application by allowing tasks to be processed in the background.


Laravel's package system provides a way to modularize your code and reuse it across multiple projects. It allows developers to share code with the Laravel community and build upon existing packages.

In conclusion, Laravel has many hidden features that can help developers to build better and more efficient applications. These features include collections, route caching, task scheduling, Eloquent ORM, Blade templating engine, middleware, events and listeners, Artisan CLI, queues, and packages. By utilizing these features, developers can save time and improve the performance of their applications.